Why The Privileged Are Actually the Disadvantaged

The above title, of course, has exceptions. As all things do. But just because it has exceptions does not mean we can disregard the rule.

“If I had been born rich, I could change the world.”

Well, perhaps. But having the monetary ability does not always equal the physical ability. 

What many do not consider in this scenario are the differences in character you would encounter from your current self to your hypothetical self, had you been born rich. And this rule does not apply to just money. Often, when you have an over-abundance of anything that makes your life considerably easier, it can act against you. 

Your parents never made you do chores, so now you don’t know how nor have the discipline to actually do them. Your parents never allowed you to experience situations where you had to generate actual revenue at your own risk, so now you don’t know what it takes to make a profit or create value. Your parents never forced you to take personal responsibility for your actions so now you don’t even recognize when something is your fault. You never had to work for the things you wanted and they were simply handed to you, and as a result you don’t know how to earn it. 

What we have found to be true both within Acton Academy and outside, is that those who have had an “easier life” are complacent when it comes to work. They simply don’t work as hard because they haven’t had to much, if at all. Or, they don’t put in the work because they know there is a safety net to catch them if they fall. 

They’re entitled. Things have always come easy to them so that’s the expectation that they continue to have for life. Reality will not be any easy thing for them to face once they’re on their own in the real world…implying they ever get to that point. 

Those who grow up without the luxuries of a certain level of privilege know that they have to hustle to succeed in life, and they’re willing to do what it takes because that’s the only thing they’ve ever known. 

When the coach has them on the bench for a majority of the game, they work harder in practices to become worthy of the field time. They don’t have their parents complain about the coach to the school board for not “treating every player equally.”

Allow your child to work hard for the things they want. They’ll learn to hustle, how to be creative, they’ll value money and the work it takes to earn it. If they understand the value of putting in effort and reaching their goals on their own, you can be sure they never grow up to become a privileged adult-child.