Our Campuses
Every Acton Placer campus facilitates a powerful feeling of community and benefits everyone within Acton and beyond.

A 21st Century Education program made for today's generation.
Childhood should be about the discovery of self. We are a place where kids are free to be kids while learning how to be kind, passionate, and powerful individuals capable of changing the world. By utilizing the latest technology and educational methods, we help empower Lions to be their greatest selves every day.
We offer a truly different approach to school. Supported by the latest in technology and cognitive science, we move beyond the traditional tools of lectures, homework, high-stakes tests, and grades. At Acton Academy , our students learn in collaborative classrooms of multi-age learners. Our flexible approach challenges each student with their differentiated learning plan and inspires them through real-world projects and experiences.

At Acton Academy , we believe that learning to do, learning to be, and learning to learn are more important than memorization alone – learning to know.
What Makes Acton Academy Different?
Entrepreneur Mindset
An entrepreneur knows what they want out of life and they’re not afraid to go out and get it. Students learn how to think like an entrepreneur by building their small businesses and seeing first-hand the true benefits of value-creation. This enables them to be well-equipped for the workforce or even establishing a true business of their own.
Every individual is a genius. But what kind of genius- that’s what we help them discover. Lions have more opportunity here than anywhere else to discover what they’re good at, what they’re passionate about, how they can develop, and how they can use those specialties to their advantage.
Growth Mindset
Our Lions strive for greatness and they’re hungry to improve in any way that they can- physically, emotionally, academically, etc. We harbor a culture where we believe everyone is capable of achieving all of their goals. With such a strong community of support, commitment, discipline, and hard work, these qualities become things our young heroes are proud to take on.
Critical Thinking
It is not our job to teach young heroes WHAT to think, but rather HOW to think for themselves. By utilizing the Socratic method, Lions are challenged to listen to and question different ideas big and small, hear from people of a different position, investigate the ideas further and formulate their own intelligent conclusions.
Our environment creates a strong sense of self. Heroes have the freedom to set goals that challenge them as individuals in both academics and passions projects. They have the ability to work in any way that enables them to be the most productive towards their goals. Each and every person is treated as an individual, on their own unique journey.